Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Landmark contd...

From now onwards ‘we’ refers to my friend Iti (Itisha) and me.

Our forum dates were 29th, 30th Sep and 1st Oct. On 28th Sep we went to foodbazaar and got a lot of snacks and stuff to eat. Everyday the session was supposed to be from 9 a.m. till midnight. We had plans to make a lot of stuff (pooris, subzi, sandwiches and what not) in the morning. We were very excited, more for the food than the forum :). We were sure than if not anyone else our mom's will be really proud of us.

Our forum leader was Praveen Puri. A handsome man in his 40's, to some up in a line, a total theeth delhi Punjabi.

He told us,
- First day u'll hate me,
- Second day u'll feel that u can bear with me,
- And third day u'll fall in love with me.

I am not sure about the first and second day, but I know one thing that, that I just love him now. His words have changed my life. I still keep on hearing them…(my little voice.. :) )

For everyone who is wondering..what Landmark is all about…

Landmark is not about any kind of spiritual activity, nor any kind of meditation, neither any kind of exercises. It is not about any kind of dictation as in..what to do and what not to do in life.
It does not have any personal touch, which is no one-one conversation with the forum leader.
It is not about putting forth your problems and getting the solutions.
Landmark believes in teaching the technology which provides you with all the solutions throughout your life. Hence, a permanent solution.

If you ask me what landmark is about??? I guess I will also be unable to answer the question. But I know one thing that Landmark changed my life, and the transformation was not just for happened to almost all the 400 people attending the forum.

What I thought of TRANSFORMATION was..

My face will start glowing..
When people will meet me they will say ‘WOW’…
All my fears will be gone..
I will be the master (female) of the universe..
There will be a halo on my head…and wherever I will go ..people will think here comes the best person of the galaxy…

But…nothing like that happened. But what I experienced was something much more than that…I experienced peace…eternal peace…I felt like somehow I should hold on to this moment…not let it pass…I felt scared…similar to a small kid when left alone…because what I saw then was a new world…and I was like a small kid…in the world of endless possibilities…seeing everything and anything possible for me….It was THE MOMENT.

But still I was not sure whether I had transformed, because it did not match my definition of transformation. Now I think, how foolish of me..

I know that I have transformed. This doesn’t mean that I will not have breakdowns or failures in my life. I will surely have all of them, but now I will govern my life, I will not be governed by life and circumstances.

I have now created a possibility that I will enroll all the people in my life into Landmark forum. Simply because, I want them to experience this amazing thing which I do every moment…and which they will always carry forward in their life.


Anonymous said...

I support my cheethi!


The Idiot Savant(without the Savant) said...

I attended the forum led by Praveen Puri...

In a sentence...I see all kinds of people around these days...on ashrams...preaching the unknown...about blind spots...about self realisation...I felt that the forum is again just another manifestation.

I dont disagree with the teachings of the forum, they are all good things...but my question is dont we know these things pre-forum-transformation?

Wouldnt want to delve into an confrontation...which I might add I have had with most forum leaders-Mr Puri included...and most agreed with me that what I say is true. Mr Puri even went to the extent of saying that the forum is designed for the lesser of about self important geeks...